Rachel Daugherty

Rachel Daugherty Profile Photo

Alzheimer's Prevention Advocate

Rachel Daugherty is a daughter of a woman with Alzheimer’s and knows deeply the grief, deep sadness and utter fear of following suit. Her mission is to teach people that they are not doomed to the same fate they have witnessed in their family by implementing evidence-based tools that reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease. She aims to empower others to completely reframe their relationship to food, fitness and their long-term health by putting all of their actions in the context of their brain health. She encourages others to understand and believe that they have the power to help their future-selves, which conveniently leaves their current-self feeling strong, energized and capable …and she's here to show you how.

Jan. 29, 2025

Nutrition, Fitness, and Self Care Practices for Alzheimer's and Dementia Prevention with Rachel Daugherty [Ep. 132]

SPECIAL FOR THIS MONTH! Jumpstart Your Weightloss Program! Check all the details HERE . (this is the 90 minutes intensive plus 2 weeks of text support I mentioned in the episode) What can we do now in our midlife to prevent t...